Salary Directory Washington D.C. QA Test Automation Engineers

QA Test Automation Engineer Salary in Washington D.C.

QA Test Automation Engineer

A QA Test Automation Engineer‰Ûªs job is to create and execute automated tests for quality assurance. This includes a variety of responsibilities like designing and implementing tests, tracking quality assurance metrics and debugging and defining the actions in need of corrections. QA Test Automation Engineers design, develop, and execute of automated scripts using open source tools. They perform regression tests to resolve bugs, and they develop and apply new testing processes for their clients or the companies they work for.

The qualifications of a QA Test Automation Engineer include the ability to work in software quality assurance and software development, familiarity with SQL and scripting, experience testing white boxes and black boxes and using the Agile/Scrum development process. QA Test Automation Engineers should also have a bachelor degree in Computer Science or a related field.

Living and Working in Washington, D.C.

Washington, DC is a great place to live and work. There are about 693,972 people who live in the city, plus many more who drive in to work in Washington, DC each day. Additionally, because it is the nation‰Ûªs capital, there are always tourists, foreign dignitaries, etc. ascending upon the city for various events and happenings. The government employs many of the people in Washington DC, however, there are also numerous jobs outside of the government. These include jobs in scientific research, public policy, education, finance and tourism. There are also many great sites to see in Washington like the US Capital, the Smithsonian Institution and the Lincoln Memorial.

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Compare QA Test Automation Engineer salaries by region

QA Test Automation Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Houston
  2. $145,000
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $135,694
  5. Phoenix
  6. $128,600
  7. Seattle
  8. $125,812
  9. Boston
  10. $121,600
  11. New York
  12. $121,475
  13. Philadelphia
  14. $121,330
  15. Washington D.C.
  16. $119,777
  17. Dallas/Ft Worth
  18. $119,338
  19. Atlanta
  20. $116,250
  21. Los Angeles
  22. $112,000
  23. Tampa
  24. $105,000
  25. Denver
  26. $102,272
  27. Austin
  28. $98,861
  29. Columbus
  30. $96,000
  31. Chicago
  32. $95,133
  33. Toronto
  34. C$78,125
  35. London
  36. £70,762
  1. Houston
  2. $145,000
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $135,694
  5. Phoenix
  6. $128,600
  7. Seattle
  8. $125,812
  9. Boston
  10. $121,600
  11. New York
  12. $121,475
  13. Philadelphia
  14. $121,330
  15. Washington D.C.
  16. $119,777
  17. Dallas/Ft Worth
  18. $119,338
  19. Atlanta
  20. $116,250
  21. Los Angeles
  22. $112,000
  23. Tampa
  24. $105,000
  25. Denver
  26. $102,272
  27. Austin
  28. $98,861
  29. Columbus
  30. $96,000
  31. Chicago
  32. $95,133
  33. Toronto
  34. C$78,125
  35. London
  36. £70,762
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Where QA Test Automation Engineers are highest in demand

    QA Test Automation Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: